Animal Information: Small Mammals

  • Guinea Pigs

    Guinea Pigs are social, docile, curious and loving animals that crave attention. They are relatively easy to keep. Guinea Pigs are good swimmers but most do not enjoy the activity. When a guinea pig is excited it may jump up and down, this is often referred to as pop corning.

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  • Marmosets

    Marmosets are beautiful, high spirited animals and are rapidly growing in popularity as pets.  The little human like face and hands, the big brown eyes and the bushy ears are hard to resist. Unfortunately many of these monkeys are bought because they are so cute and little thought is given to the purchase.

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  • Rabbit Husbandry

    A rabbit is a beautiful intelligent pet and if the following guidelines are followed will reward the owner with many years of companionship. Before a rabbit is bought remember these important facts: Rabbits can live up to 8 years, an unspayed doe (female) can produce up to 100 babies during her lifetime, some rabbits, (especially does) may not get along and may have to be housed separately.

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  • Rats

    Rats are intelligent, affectionate and quiet pets. They become very tame and make wonderful, friendly undemanding pets. Rats are nocturnal so they will be more active at night. Rats have been bred and kept as pets since the early 1900’s.

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