Behavioral Information & Consultations: Dogs

  • Basic Dog Training


    Hold the treat over the dog's head. Lower it close to his nose. As soon as you have got his attention, begin to slowly move the treat up and towards the dog's back.

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  • How Dogs Learn

    Dogs learn by associating their actions with the immediate consequences.

    Dogs need a positive reaction to their correct actions within one second of the required action being performed.

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  • Seperation Anxiety

    A dog that is abnormally bonded to its owner reacts in a very distressed manner when the owner is not with the dog. This condition is often affected by genetics and learnt experiences (being a stray, change of owners, major upsets in routine).

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  • Acral Lick Granulomas

    Dermatitis caused by excessive licking or chewing on a body part. Often caused by anxiety and lesions that have been caused by licking. Often this starts off due to an underlying skin lesion / tumour / skin disease or neuralgia and then expands into an anxiety relieving action.

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  • Cognitive dysfunction in older dogs / Canine senility

    A dog that is older than 7 years showing loss of learnt behaviours and senility caused by ageing.

    These dogs often show: short attention spans, inability to adapt to change, lethargy, apathy, sleep disorders, excessive vocalisation, loss of housetraining, pica, lick dermatitis.

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  • Noise phobia

    A phobia is an extreme fear response which is self-reinforcing.

    A dog that is showing a phobic reaction often shows: barking or fear related aggression, timidity, anxiety, disobedience, escaping, destructive behaviour and mostly fear.

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  • OCD (Obsessive compulsive disorders)

    These are repetitive, constant behaviours that interferes with the dogs normal functions. E.g.: over grooming, tail chasing, flank sucking, barking, fly catching.


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