Animal Information: Birds

  • Budgies

    Budgies are small seed eating parakeets with long tails. Budgies make great pets as they are relatively ‘low maintenance’ and can be very gentle and docile. Their ability to speak and mimic also makes them very popular.

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  • Dangers in a house for pet birds

    Due to their small size, extremely fast metabolism and very sensitive respiratory systems birds are very vulnerable to a wide variety of dangers. Parrots especially, are very curious and will chew, taste and try to play with anything that takes their fancy.

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  • Important Bird Diseases

    Several diseases that birds carry can easily be transmitted to humans and some of these can be fatal. Tests are available to ensure that your bird is free from most of these diseases. It is recommended that birds are only bought from a breeder who offers a certificate that the bird is disease free.

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  • Parrot Diets


    Parrots in the wild eat a very varied diet, consisting of young leaves, blossoms, fruit, some seed, vegetables, and insects.

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  • Parrot Husbandry

    Parrots make amazing pets as long as you ensure that you have the time and energy to care for them properly. As there are many different species available, all with different personalities and needs, you will need to carefully select the correct parrot for you.

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  • PDD

    Proventricular dilatation disease / Macaw wasting syndrome This disease is mostly seen in Macaws but can be seen in any of the psittacines, as well as wild birds.


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